Category Archives: Uncategorized

Introducing QR Codes

Have Dummy Will Travel, Inc. is now using QR codes to help you connect more easily.  Look for these codes on all of our printed literature as well as on our emails and web site. 

To access QR codes, you will need to download a free app for your mobile device.  Simply go to your devices “App Store” and download a free mobile scanner device that supports QR codes.  The app will use the camera on your device to “scan” the QR code and will follow the instructions embedded in the code.

Have Dummy Will Travel Partners with H2O Plus, Inc. to Provide CPR and First Aid Kits With Automatic Refills

Have Dummy Will Travel, Inc. is proud to announce our new partnership with H2O Plus, Inc.  H2O Plus provides first aid and CPR supply kits for all industries.  In addition, working with H2O plus allows us to provide regular first aid kit checks and restocking services.  For more information, click here.

Get Advice Before You Purchase Rescue Equipment

I recently visited one of my favorite Long Island vineyards and noticed a sticker on the front door that read “AED Equipped”. Since I make my living by training people to help others in medical emergencies, I figured I would chat with a manager over a nice glass of Pinot.

Like many responsible companies, this winery reacted to an emergency that occurred on their property. The management agreed that it was important for staff to know CPR and on the suggestion of their CPR instructor, they purchased an AED. Continue reading Get Advice Before You Purchase Rescue Equipment

Responding to Medical Emergencies in the Dental Environment

Are you prepared for an emergency? As healthcare practitioners, you rely on your professional judgment to provide your patients with the best dental care possible. Many years of study, training and internship go into making what most Continue reading Responding to Medical Emergencies in the Dental Environment